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Navigating Tween and Teen Skincare: Essentials and Products to Avoid

As teens journey through the whirlwind of adolescence, one aspect that often takes center stage is skincare. Hormonal changes, environmental factors, and the desire to look and feel their best becomes paramount. In the vast sea of skincare products and social media influencers, it’s crucial to discern what’s beneficial and what’s harmful.

Yelena Migirova, our medical esthetician and skincare expert at Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery, is here to weigh in on what teens should be doing to care for their skin and products they should steer clear of. She is very passionate about starting skin care, sooner rather than later, to educate her young patients on the best habits & routines to keep their skin healthy.

Cleansing, Moisturizing, & Sun protection:

The most fundamental parts of a skin care routine. We recommend young adults opt for gentle, non-comedogenic cleansers that effectively remove dirt, oil, and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Following up with a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer helps to keep the skin hydrated without clogging pores. This basic routine helps to prevent breakouts and maintains skin health.

Make up wipes are not a cleanser. We recommend properly cleansing the skin – this can look like twice daily, using a clean device, the proper amount of product, warm water, & a clean towel.

Sunscreen is a non-negotiable step in any skincare routine, regardless of age. Incorporating a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 into their daily regimen, even on cloudy days. Sun protection not only prevents sunburn but also shields the skin from harmful UV rays.

Acne Management:

Acne is a common concern during adolescence, and can be quite a confidence crusher at this age. Teens should use products specifically formulated for acne-prone skin, such as cleansers containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Over-using those products can exacerbate acne and lead to irritation. A balanced approach with gentle yet effective acne treatments is key. Consulting with a medical professional like Yelena for a skincare assessment and treatment plan can help tremendously with reducing breakouts, achieving a more clear complexion, and restoring confidence.

Helpful Tips to Consider:

Heavy Makeup: While experimenting with makeup is a rite of passage for many teens, heavy foundations and concealers can clog pores and exacerbate acne. Removing makeup before bedtime, double cleansing, is essential for maintaining clear skin.

DIY Skincare Remedies: The internet is rife with DIY skincare remedies, but many of these concoctions can do more harm than good. Ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda, and toothpaste can be too harsh for the skin and may cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Abrasive Exfoliants: Scrubs with coarse particles or abrasive ingredients can cause micro-tears in the skin, leading to inflammation and sensitivity. Instead, opt for gentle chemical exfoliants like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to slough away dead skin cells without causing damage.

We always recommend consulting with a professional.

One size does not fit all. Every teen has a different skin type & skin need. Getting ahead of the concerns is very important for anti aging and for the best skin health.

Complimentary in person skincare consultations with Yelena are available.

Contact us to schedule an appointment at (919) 706-4900.

eyelid surgery facelift facial implants Rhinoplasty surgical procedure surgical procedures

The Beneficial Role of Perioperative IV Therapy

IV HydrationUndergoing facial cosmetic surgery is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and meticulous planning. Of course, the procedures themselves require great attention to detail and thoughtful consideration and planning, but less often considered is the optimization during the preoperative and postoperative period. Since the late 1990’s, surgeons have been developing protocols for “enhanced recovery after surgery” (ERAS). Since that time, numerous studies have demonstrated benefits for hospital-based procedures in terms of improved recovery and earlier return to normal activities. Although less attention has been paid to outpatient surgery, recent studies looking at head and neck surgery patients have shown enhanced recovery after surgery. One of the important focuses in these protocols is nutrition and hydration status. While the primary goal of cosmetic surgery is to enhance one’s appearance, ensuring proper nutrition and hydration before and after the procedure is equally important, but often overlooked. Attention to hydration and perioperative nutrition has several benefits, and for these reasons, Dr. Adam Becker at Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery in Raleigh, NC encourages pre- and post-operative intravenous (IV) hydration therapy for his surgical patients to help optimize the outcome and promote a smoother recovery. In this blog post, Dr. Becker addresses the importance of prioritizing IV hydration therapy before and after facial cosmetic surgery.

The Benefits of Hydration in Cosmetic Surgery

Pre-Operative Preparation
Preparing your body is essential for a successful cosmetic surgery and a speedy recovery. IV hydration therapy ensures that your body is adequately hydrated, improving blood flow and circulation. This helps your organs function optimally, reducing the risk of complications during your procedure.

Improved Healing Potential
Well-hydrated tissues are more resilient and better equipped to recover from trauma. IV hydration provides the body with essential nutrients and electrolytes, boosting cellular repair mechanisms. This can lead to reduced inflammation and a faster healing process post-surgery.

The Role of Hydration in Anesthesia

Enhanced Anesthetic Efficacy
Proper hydration can impact the effectiveness of anesthesia. Well-hydrated tissues allow for more predictable drug absorption, distribution, and metabolism, ensuring a smoother induction and maintenance of anesthesia during the procedure.

Minimizing Complications
Fluid depletion can increase the risk of complications associated with anesthesia, such as dizziness, nausea, and low blood pressure. By receiving pre-operative IV hydration, patients can minimize these risks and enhance their overall safety during surgery.

Post-Operative Recovery

Faster Recovery
After undergoing facial plastic surgery, the body requires extra support for a swift and uncomplicated recovery. Post-operative IV hydration therapy helps replenish fluids and provide essential nutrients that aid in reducing post-surgical swelling and promote healing.

Nutrient Delivery
IV hydration delivers essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This is particularly beneficial post-surgery when appetite is often reduced, making optimal nutrition intake more challenging. Improved nutrient delivery can enhance tissue repair and potentially accelerate the healing process.

Dr. Becker understands his patients’ unique needs and is dedicated to both their aesthetic and overall well-being. Incorporating pre and post-operative IV hydration therapy into his customized patient treatment plans helps to provide a holistic approach to patient care and deliver the most optimal results while prioritizing patient safety. If you’re interested in learning more about how embracing the role of hydration can help contribute to your successful and smooth facial cosmetic surgery experience, contact us or call (919) 706-4900 to schedule your consultation.

Anti-wrinkle injectables nonsurgical procedures wrinkle treatment youthful appearance

Rejuvenate Your Face With Injectable Dermal Fillers

Dermal FillersAs we age, the natural aging process takes it’s toll on our skin, leading to a loss of facial volume, fine lines, and wrinkles. Fortunately, advancements in the world of cosmetic procedures have given rise to injectable dermal fillers, a minimally-invasive solution to address these concerns. Dr. Adam Becker, our award winning facial plastic surgeon and expert in facial rejuvenation at Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery in Raleigh, NC stands out for his remarkable skill and precision in using injectable dermal fillers to restore facial volume loss and yield the most natural looking results for his patients.

Injectable dermal fillers are a category of cosmetic treatments designed to combat the visible signs of aging. They are typically made of biocompatible substances, such as hyaluronic acid and collagen, that are safely injected into specific areas of the face. These fillers add volume and smoothen the skin to create a youthful and revitalized appearance.

Dr. Becker has been at the forefront of using injectable dermal fillers to provide patients seeking non-surgical treatments with the most natural looking and stunning results. His comprehensive approach, extensive experience and deep understanding of facial anatomy and aesthetics set him apart in the field of facial rejuvenation. Dr. Becker commonly utilizes injectable dermal fillers to:

  • Fill in forehead lines
  • Fill in hollows under the eyes
  • Reshape and volumize cheeks
  • Reshape the nose (aka “liquid rhinoplasty”)
  • Improve the appearance of nasolabial folds and marionette lines (aka “smile lines”)
  • Plump and shape the lips
  • Shape and define the chin
  • Contour the jawline
  • Reduce the appearance of scars

Customized Treatment Plans: Dr. Becker recognizes that each patient is unique, and their facial concerns are specific to them. He conducts thorough consultations, carefully listening to the patient’s goals and assessing their facial structure. With this information, he tailors a personalized treatment plan to ensure the most natural and flattering results.

Precision and Skill: Dr. Becker’s precise injection techniques and artistic eye enable him to deliver fillers with remarkable accuracy. This not only minimizes discomfort but also maximizes the effectiveness of the treatment.

Natural-Looking Results: One of Dr. Becker’s key strengths is his ability to produce results that appear completely natural. He strives to enhance his patient’s features while maintaining their unique facial characteristics.

Safety First: Dr. Becker prioritizes patient safety. He exclusively uses FDA-approved dermal fillers and ensures that all procedures are conducted in a sterile and controlled environment, minimizing any potential risks.

Patient Satisfaction: The primary goal for Dr. Becker is patient satisfaction. He remains dedicated to achieving results that his patients love, empowering them to feel confident in their rejuvenated appearance.

Facial volume loss is a common concern as we age, but thanks to the expertise of Dr. Adam Becker, there are effective non-surgical solutions to address it and achieve natural, youthful, and radiant results. If you are desiring a facial rejuvenation, contact us to schedule your consultation and learn more about how a customized treatment plan will help you achieve the natural looking results you’re looking for!

face facelift surgical procedure surgical procedures

Exploring the Different Types of Facelifts With Dr. Adam Becker

Types of FaceliftsIn the pursuit of maintaining a youthful appearance, many individuals turn to cosmetic procedures to address the signs of aging. Among the most popular and effective options is a facelift, a surgical procedure that lifts and tightens the skin on the face and neck. However, it’s essential to understand that not all facelifts are created equal. In this blog post, Dr. Adam Becker, Facial Plastic Surgeon at Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery, addresses the various types of facelifts that he performs on his patients in Raleigh, NC to achieve the most beautiful, natural looking results.

The facelift, sometimes referred to as a full-facelift, is the gold standard in facial rejuvenation of the lower face and neck and encompasses a variety of techniques. This procedure targets the cheek, jowl and neck area, addressing sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and repositioning certain areas of facial volume. During surgery, incisions are made along the hairline, extending around the ear. The underlying tissues are then tightened, excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is re-draped for a more youthful appearance.

Deep Plane Facelift
The deep plane facelift is a comprehensive surgical technique that Dr. Becker most often uses during facelift surgery. This procedure involves repositioning not only the skin but also a layer of underlying muscle and connective tissues called the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS). By lifting and repositioning this deeper layer of the face, a deep plane facelift offers long-lasting results and addresses significant sagging in the mid-face, jowls, and neck. Recovery time may be a bit longer compared to other facelift techniques due to the more comprehensive nature of the procedure.

Mini Facelift
As the name suggests, a mini facelift is a less invasive alternative to the facelift. It focuses on improving the lower portion of the face, particularly the jowl, nasolabial folds and jawline. This procedure involves more limited incisions compared to a full facelift. While it provides a more targeted rejuvenation, a mini facelift is an excellent option for individuals with moderate signs of aging that are more limited to the lower face and who desire a less invasive approach.

The mid-facelift, also called a cheek lift, concentrates on the middle region of the face. It targets sagging cheeks and deep nasolabial folds. The incisions for a mid-facelift are typically made within the hairline. This technique allows the surgeon to lift and reposition the underlying fat and soft tissues, restoring youthful volume and contour to the cheeks and under-eye area.

Each type of facelift mentioned above offers unique benefits and is tailored to address specific areas of concern. Whether you opt for a traditional facelift, a mini facelift, a mid-facelift, or a deep plane facelift, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of the procedure, its expected outcomes, and the recovery process. During your consultation with Dr. Becker, he will provide a full exam, listen to your concerns and discuss the options that will best achieve the most natural looking and long-lasting results and restore your confidence so you can put your best face forward. To schedule a consultation or if you have questions, contact us today!

acne scarring anti-aging exfoliation facial treatment laser treatment sun damage wrinkle treatment youthful appearance

The CoolPeel vs. Chemical Peel: Understanding the Difference

CoolPeel and Chemical PeelWhen it comes to rejuvenating your skin and achieving that youthful glow, there are numerous options available. Two popular treatments for treating sun damage and improving overall skin textures are the “CoolPeel” and the traditional “chemical peel.” Yelena at Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery is here to explore the key differences between these two skincare procedures.

Technology and Approach

CoolPeel: The CoolPeel is an advanced CO2 laser treatment that uses cutting-edge technology to target the outermost layer of the skin. It delivers controlled bursts of energy to stimulate collagen production and promote skin regeneration. Unlike traditional lasers, the CoolPeel leaves the surrounding skin undamaged by utilizing a fractional technique.

Chemical Peel: On the other hand, a chemical peel involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin, typically composed of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), or trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The solution exfoliates the skin’s top layer, causing it to peel off, revealing smoother, more youthful skin underneath.

Downtime and Recovery

CoolPeel: One of the major advantages of the CoolPeel is minimal downtime. Since it precisely targets the outer layer of the skin, the recovery period is relatively short compared to other laser skin resurfacing treatments. Patients may experience some redness and mild peeling, which usually resolves within a few days as healthy glowing skin is revealed.

Chemical Peel: Depending on the depth of the peel, recovery time can vary. Superficial peels (such as Pomegranate Peel, Blueberry Smoothie Peel) may have a shorter recovery period, but medium to deep peels (such as ViPeel and Timeless Peel) might require more downtime as the skin heals and peels off.

Skin Concerns Addressed

CoolPeel: The CoolPeel is an excellent option for treating fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, stretch marks and overall skin texture. It stimulates collagen production and helps to improve skin tone and firmness.

Chemical Peel: Chemical peels are effective in addressing various skin concerns, including acne scars, uneven pigmentation, and mild to moderate wrinkles. They can also help to unclog pores and reduce the appearance of age spots.

Number of Treatments Needed

CoolPeel: Depending on individual needs and desired results, multiple CoolPeel sessions may be recommended. However, dramatic improvements can often be seen after just one treatment.

Chemical Peel: The number of chemical peel sessions required depends on the depth of the peel and the specific skin concerns being addressed. Some patients may achieve their desired results with a single peel, while others may need a series of treatments.

In conclusion, both the CoolPeel and the Chemical Peel are effective treatments for achieving smoother, more youthful skin. The choice between the two will depend on individual skin concerns, desired downtime, and treatment goals. If you’re looking to undo sun damage and restore your healthy, youthful looking glow, contact us by completing our contact form or call (919) 706-4900 to schedule your complimentary consultation with Yelena, and she will provide you with a skincare assessment and determine the most suitable treatment for your unique needs.

eyelid surgery Raleigh surgical procedure surgical procedures Uncategorized

Nominated For the Second Year in a Row for N&O’s “Raleigh’s Best” Awards Competition!

Vote Raleigh's Best Cosmetic SurgeryWe are thrilled to announce that Dr. Adam Becker – Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery has been nominated for the SECOND YEAR IN A ROW for The News & Observer’s “Raleigh’s BEST” awards competition. We are so honored and appreciative of the love and support from our patients for nominating our practice for “BEST COSMETIC SURGERY” and we thank you so much!

face facial treatment microneedling skincare Uncategorized

Enhancing the ‘Ozempic Face’

Ozempic FaceSemaglutide, originally used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, has received some notoriety over the past several years. Sold under the brand names Ozempic™, Wegovy™ and Rybelsus™, the transformative effects of semaglutide in obesity has garnered significant attention and admiration. Along with dramatic weight loss, some individuals suffer from so called “Ozempic face”, for which some people are interested in treatment options. Dr. Adam Becker at Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery offers a variety of options for this, including Morpheus8 RF microneedling and injectable dermal fillers. These make up two of the most common treatments because they can provide an effective, non-surgical approach and deliver a radiant and rejuvenated facial transformation in Raleigh, NC.

face facelift surgical procedure youthful appearance

The Journey to a Sculpted Face: Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal Fat RemovalIn the pursuit of aesthetic perfection, individuals have sought various methods to enhance their physical appearance. One such procedure that has gained popularity in recent years is buccal fat removal. Also known as cheek reduction surgery, buccal fat removal is a cosmetic procedure that aims to sculpt the face by reducing the volume of fat pads in the cheeks. Dr. Adam Becker of Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery in Raleigh, is here to delve into the details of buccal fat removal, and explain the procedure, benefits, considerations, and potential risks.


Combat Hyperpigmentation With Our March Specials!

HyperpigmentationHyperpigmentation (aka – age spots, liver spots, and sun damage) is a common skin condition characterized by darker patches of skin due to excess melanin production. This pesty discoloration of the skin affects adults of varying skin tones & ages and may be caused by a variety of factors including genetics, hormones, and excessive sun exposure. If you’re dealing with hyperpigmentation, there are a variety of skincare products and highly effective cosmetic treatments available to help improve the appearance of dark spots on the skin.

anti-aging Anti-wrinkle injectables Botox cosmetic treatment dermal filler face facial treatment injectable filler wrinkle treatment youthful appearance

Dr. Adam Becker Answers Your Questions About Botox Injections in Raleigh

botox injections raleigh

Neurotoxin injections are the most commonly performed cosmetic treatment in the US and offer a safe, easy, and affordable solution for smoothing fine lines and reducing wrinkles on the face. Dr. Adam Becker, Raleigh’s Best Cosmetic Surgeon, sees patients ranging in age from their 20s and up, to combat the signs of facial aging caused by facial muscle contractions and restore a more youthful-looking appearance.

Last month we asked our online viewers to submit their questions about neurotoxin / botox injections in Raleigh for the sake of providing a more in-depth and personal education for our community. Read on to learn more about neurotoxin treatments from Dr. Adam Becker, award-winning facial plastic surgeon and founder of Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery in Raleigh.

Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery

9104 Falls of Neuse Rd #204
Raleigh, NC 27615
P: (919) 706-4900
F: (919) 706-4901
Open Monday - Friday | 9am - 5pm

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Triangle Facial Plastic Surgery

9104 Falls of Neuse Rd #204
Raleigh, NC 27615
P: (919) 706-4900
Open Monday - Friday | 9am - 5pm

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